Cool remake of Bohemian Rhapsody and Lost!
Though I've never watched Lost,I know the major plot and this was hilarious!Especially the Discworld joke near the end of it, that cracked me up XD
Cool remake of Bohemian Rhapsody and Lost!
Though I've never watched Lost,I know the major plot and this was hilarious!Especially the Discworld joke near the end of it, that cracked me up XD
Yeah,Breaking Benjamin is my favourite band ever! Nice graphics and animation too!
This is an instant classic!
One of the best MGS3 movies in the world! Snake getting whipped by a little crab,lol.And that weird guy on the radio was hilarous too!
Wow,just like Madness...
Seriously,this is one of the best flash movies ever to be seen on ng!It was awesome and brutal,you've got some great flash skilz!Keep animating!
Oh my god... was ok,I got quite a surprise when I saw it first time.Didn't expect THAT to happen but...well...I guess all your movies will be like this...forever... and ever...and ever...:P
That was a great movie!And really cool cause it were bunnies!:)
Jolly wonderful piece of flash you got there sonny Jim(or Dim).
Soooo hilarious,especially when Shigeru Miyamoto slayed that poor man with the master sword!
I have the WWF SmackDown! game and this...was crap!Stone Cold does NOT have hair(maybe in your fantasy world ok but anyway...)And the animation wasn't too good either.But don't worry,you'll make something good one day,if you practice...
Well it was kinda good.
But why did you change the screen size?It was way to big.And there was an awful lot of text in there:p But it was cool nevertheless.I see great hope in your future,grasshopper!
the screens size will be that big on level 2 and maybe i'll make it bigger to level 3 so many more ways for the lemmings to die can have a place ;)
Cool movie!
This movie had it all!Like a symbol of ng,ya know?Pico,Nene,Darnell,super graphics and wicked violence! The camera angles were stunning!Please make more stuff like this!
I eat the talking bees, because I'm George Washington Christ!
Age 34, Male
Joined on 11/19/03